Here are some things that I think are quite good:
Bad Science
"an independent, non-profit organization devoted to providing factual information and fostering discussion about issues in biology, with a particular emphasis on plant genetics and genetic engineering in agriculture". In other words, they love GM and they don't care who knows it.
Dartmouth Electron Microscope Facility
Lots of cool electron micrographs, including the picture of pollen that I'm currently using as a background.
Fans of data will love this free resource from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
GMO Compass
Inside Insides
'Magnetic Resonance Imaging of foods'. Probably the world's best producer of trippy videos of broccoli.
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications
The ISAAA provide information about 'agri-biotech applications', which just means 'GM crops'. They have some pretty informative videos and presentations on their site and produce regular reports on the status of GM crops around the world. They also have a database of all approved GM crops and the countries that they have been approved in.
Katie PhD
A pretty good science blog that I have only recently discovered. I will probably update this description once I have read some more of her stuff.
Mike Taylor
Dr Mike Taylor writes for the guardian about the importance of making scientific publishing open access.
Public Library Of Science
PLOS are part of the revolution that is making scientific publications freely available to everyone.
Retraction Watch
Scientific papers are retracted surprisingly often. This lot keep an eye on it.
Science Fraud
This one is pretty much what it says on the tin.
The Infinite Monkey Cage
A very funny science podcast from radio 4, hosted by Brian Cox and Robin Ince.
The Loom
I have only recently discovered the award-winning science writing of Carl Zimmer, but I can already see what all the fuss is about.
The Panic Virus
More great science writing.
WTF has NASA done for us?
GMO Part 1 - What Is It?
GMO Part 3 - Where To From Here?
The Story of BT Cotton in India
3 Amazing Photosynthetic Animals
Steven Pinker: Communicating Science and Technology in the 21st Century
Parasitic Plants - Some great time-lapse footage of parasitic plants taking over their victims.
Bad Science
Ben Goldacre (who can also be found at the guardian) is a bit of a hero of mine. On this blog he spend roughly equal amounts of time laying into the pharmaceutical industry, the British government, and peddlers of pseudoscience.
Biofortified"an independent, non-profit organization devoted to providing factual information and fostering discussion about issues in biology, with a particular emphasis on plant genetics and genetic engineering in agriculture". In other words, they love GM and they don't care who knows it.
Dartmouth Electron Microscope Facility
Lots of cool electron micrographs, including the picture of pollen that I'm currently using as a background.
Fans of data will love this free resource from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
GMO Compass
Inside Insides
'Magnetic Resonance Imaging of foods'. Probably the world's best producer of trippy videos of broccoli.
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications
The ISAAA provide information about 'agri-biotech applications', which just means 'GM crops'. They have some pretty informative videos and presentations on their site and produce regular reports on the status of GM crops around the world. They also have a database of all approved GM crops and the countries that they have been approved in.
Katie PhD
A pretty good science blog that I have only recently discovered. I will probably update this description once I have read some more of her stuff.
Mike Taylor
Dr Mike Taylor writes for the guardian about the importance of making scientific publishing open access.
Public Library Of Science
PLOS are part of the revolution that is making scientific publications freely available to everyone.
Retraction Watch
Scientific papers are retracted surprisingly often. This lot keep an eye on it.
Science Fraud
This one is pretty much what it says on the tin.
The Infinite Monkey Cage
A very funny science podcast from radio 4, hosted by Brian Cox and Robin Ince.
The Loom
I have only recently discovered the award-winning science writing of Carl Zimmer, but I can already see what all the fuss is about.
The Panic Virus
More great science writing.
WTF has NASA done for us?
GMO Part 1 - What Is It?
GMO Part 3 - Where To From Here?
The Story of BT Cotton in India
3 Amazing Photosynthetic Animals
Steven Pinker: Communicating Science and Technology in the 21st Century
Parasitic Plants - Some great time-lapse footage of parasitic plants taking over their victims.
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